Can You Have Lung Cancer And Emphasima How Difficult Is Traveling With Lung Cancer And Emphazema?

How difficult is traveling with lung cancer and emphazema? - can you have lung cancer and emphasima

My grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer in early stages and enphazema (Surprise: It is) a smoker. It lies in the operation to remove a portion of one of her lobes next week. My question is, do I prepare my wedding (I live in California and lives in Texas) and need to know if you can fly? I fear that the circulating air will be bad for your health. If you travel a problem for them, pleased at my wedding in Texas. Ideas?


Joy said...

My aunt had cancer and could not travel over long distances. It depends solely on the strength of his grandmother and if they feel up to IT.

pamela d said...

I know someone who has emphazema and nothing prevents them from doing themselves in certain places or things to be sure that your medications with you when you leave it

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