Average Bmi By Country Is It Possible To Be Fat At A 18.3 BMI? Or Do I Just Have That One Disease?

Is it possible to be fat at a 18.3 BMI? Or do I just have that one disease? - average bmi by country

I see only the BMI. I'm 6 feet, 135 pounds and 15 years. Is it the fat, the weight, age and size? I mean, I'm American nation (very fatty), so perhaps my BMI is in another country, a happy medium ...

Could a disease in which, if I in the mirror I see my vision changed and I am fat? Search for "Am I fat?" On YouTube and watch the video with the girl in the mirror. For some reason, I think everything around me is much thinner than I am.


Anonymous said...

As in the United States has nothing to do with their personal eating habits and self-esteem. Healthy eating and exercise.

You're not anorexic, if that's what you think. And its 6 '135 is really good for your height. On average, most children aged 6 years and older, closer to 200 pounds, if not more than 200 You're good. You're just a teenager with some problems in the body, but in reality, your BMI and weight is normal.

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